Human rights policy TotalSoft S.A.


Last updated 01.11.2022 



Total Soft S.A. is committed to carrying out its activity respecting the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the guidelines of the OECD, the tripartite Declaration of Principles of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Social Policy and the framework Conventions of the ILO regarding labor standards.

Total Soft S.A. is committed to respecting human rights principles in its existing operations and in evaluating and developing new business opportunities.

If human rights are violated in one of the countries where we operate, we take all necessary precautions to ensure that Total Soft S.A. does not contribute directly or indirectly to abuses and violations of human rights.

If respect for the rule of law and economic development is fragile in one of the countries where we operate, Total Soft S.A. it must conduct its operations with caution in order to support, rather than undermine, the development of a stable society.


• Clearly highlighting TotalSoft’s views and commitments regarding human rights and demonstrating that TotalSoft understands its responsibilities to respect and support the protection of human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

• Establishing fundamental principles for all operational units to ensure that we carry out our activity in compliance with these rights.

• Highlighting responsibilities to ensure compliance with the minimum requirements defined by all operational units within the group



Total Soft S.A. recognizes international and local labor standards and is committed to respecting human rights at work in the communities in which it operates and in its relations with business partners. The principles of Total Soft S.A. on human rights include but are not limited to:


Prohibition of forced or compulsory labor

We all have the right to choose where, for whom and in what position we want to work and to choose when to leave a job. In this sense, the company:

• conclude a written contract with all employees, which stipulates the terms and conditions of work, including the process of presenting the notice and leaving the company

• ensure that employees read, understand and sign the contract

• allows employees to leave the company on the condition that they present a notice in accordance with the law

• must not ask employees to submit a guarantee or hand over original identity documents or other personal documents (except for those required by law)

Total Soft S.A. prohibits all forms of forced and compulsory labour, such as prison labour, performing work to pay off debts or loans, slavery or any other forms of labor non-voluntary.

Total Soft S.A. believes that forced labor deprives society of the opportunity to develop high-quality human resources for the modern labor market and to develop skills for tomorrow’s labor market.


Child labor exploitation

The use of child labor in illegal, socially unacceptable or

which lead to the loss of children’s educational opportunities. Therefore, Total Soft S.A. opposes the worst forms of child labor exploitation, as stipulated by the ILO Convention no. 182. The company believes that societies that allow child labor endanger their future and that of future generations.


Total Soft S.A. adheres to the provisions of national and international labor laws regarding the minimum age for employment and, if the national legislation does not contain sufficient provisions in this regard

regard, take into account international standards. In addition, appropriate and verifiable age verification mechanisms are used in recruitment procedures (ID verification).


Intolerance of discrimination

Total Soft S.A. appreciates all employees and values ​​their contributions, having a long-term commitment to ensuring equal opportunities and not tolerating discrimination. The company strives to create a work environment free of discrimination and physical or verbal harassment based on race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, political opinion, social origin, medical conditions, disability or membership of a structure union.


In practice, this means that the company:

• offers recruitment, advancement, professional training and promotion opportunities to all employees, based on their qualifications, skills and experience

• ensure that there are no policies, procedures or practices that hinder the advancement of certain individuals or groups of workers

• does not discriminate against anyone, at any time

• does not tolerate discrimination, verbal or physical abuse or intimidation at work

• during recruitment interviews or employee evaluations, do not ask questions that may lead to situations of discrimination; e.g. questions about a woman’s intention to have a family or about a person’s medical condition

• it is ensured that employees who perform the same work (or directly comparable work) and who have similar performance are remunerated in the same way

• take all necessary measures to employ qualified persons with disabilities

• it is ensured that employees who report cases of discrimination are not subject to reprisals


Establishing fair and competitive salaries and benefits

This right refers to fair remuneration for work performed, reasonable working hours and regular paid holidays. In practice, this means that the company:

• respects the applicable legislation regarding wages and working hours; this legislation includes laws on overtime and their remuneration, vacations and paid medical leaves

• pays a fair market wage to reflect employees’ skills, qualifications and experience

• gives employees the opportunity to develop their skills and the ability to promote, if possible

• provides employees with pay slips or other pay statements that clearly explain the salary base, in a format that all employees can understand

Total Soft S.A. compensates its employees fairly in relation to the level of the industry and the competition, in compliance with the applicable legislation on wages and working hours.


Ensuring health and safety at work

Total Soft S.A. is committed to ensuring and continuously improving the working environment of its employees. In this sense, the company makes efforts to prevent accidents, injuries and exposure to health risks. The company is committed to cooperating with employees to maintain a work environment free of violence, threats, harassment, intimidation and other deviant behavior. Moreover, the company recognizes that ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is fundamental for guaranteeing productivity and competitiveness.

Employee safety

Everyone has the right to feel safe and not to fear for their personal safety at work and on the way to work. In practice, this means that the company:

• takes the necessary measures to ensure that employees are safe and feel safe at work (necessary means of protection are provided if needed)

• takes the necessary measures to ensure that employees are safe on the way to and from the workplace

Guiding principles for providers

Total Soft S.A. seeks to develop relationships with suppliers who share its values ​​and operate in accordance with our human rights policy.